Winter Work for Spring Opening

We're frequently asked "What do you do in the winter?" January through the advent of Spring we close our tasting room while the grapevines are 'closed down' or dormant. So people wonder what we do all winter.
In the winery, Gerry moves pallets of inventory to one room and the current vintage, 2015 in tanks and barrels, to another room for cold stablization. The temperature in the winery is constantly monitored in the different heat zones, and the outside wood furnace is kept running. Wine in barrels is racked several times as it clarifies, and the 2014 labels are affixed to the bottles. Basically, we get ready to open for 2016 while crafting our 2015 vintage.

In the vineyard, we prune the dormant grapevines. At this point, we have about half of our vines pruned. Due to the lack of snowfall this winter we don't have to prune on snowshoes. That's a plus!
During the winter months we repair equipment, take stock of the past year and plan for the next season, which will start in Spring when we open for the year on Saturday, March 26.
Stop by for our 'End-of-Mud-Season' celebration and some distinctive, local wine. Cheers!